Grant Proposal Guidance

Our department has established guidelines to assist in a smooth grant proposal submission.

Including Our Personnel on a RAMS-SPOT Proposal

Sub-accounts are required for ALL proposals which include Biostatistics faculty, students, or staff.

Funding Proposal

  • Proposal Title and Contacts section, question 6: Units with View Access - Please make sure “Biostatistics” is checked.
  • Personnel section: Add the relevant Biostatistics personnel that you wish to include on the proposal.

Primary Budget

  • Budget Characteristics section, question 3: Will this budget have Cost Sharing (including salary cap)? Choose YES if you are including a Biostatistics member who will need cost-sharing. See Cost Share Budget section on next page.
  • Budget Characteristics section, question 9: If this project is awarded, will there be internal subaccounts? Choose YES. Selecting “yes” will create the subaccounts section which you will populate later in the Primary Budget.
  • Subaccounts section, Internal Subaccounts: click the ADD button. This will bring up a box that asks for the following information:
    • Unit: select Biostatistics as the “Unit”.
    • Direct Costs: Populate the amount of direct costs including salary, fringe, and any non-personnel costs for the sub-account. If you need budget information, please contact Carrie Boyd or Kelly Sullivan.
    • Indirect Costs: Populate the indirect costs related to the direct costs based on the current approved rate for the specified Sponsor.
    • Comments: Add any relevant comments.

Routing for Approval

  • Route for Approval section, question 2: Select which units should approve this proposal - The PI should check the Medicine box so the proposal is routed to the School of Medicine.

Cost Share Budget

If you answered “Yes” to Question 3 in the Primary Budget, Budget Characteristics section for a Biostatistics member, a new budget form will appear in the “Working Budgets” section of the Funding Proposal.

  • Personnel Costs – Cost Sharing section, Salary over Cap CS Dept; Choose Biostatistics. This section is where you get the calculations for the cost sharing details section below so make a note of these totals.
  • Cost Sharing Details section, question 1: Enter Department/Unit Cost Sharing Allocation; Click ADD.
    • Department: select Biostatistics
    • Total Dollars: Populate the amount you noted from personnel costs above.
  • Attachments for Internal Purposes section, click ADD to include the cost-share authorization form signed by Biostatistics.