Graduate Students

Learn more about the students currently enrolled in our programs.

Year 5

Ren Rasnick

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of R Rasnick

Year 4

Rasha Alsaadawi

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Rasha Alsaadawi

Dustin Bastaich

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Dustin Bastaich

Edem Defor

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Edem Defor

Khoa Le Anh Huynh

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Khoa Le Anh Huynh

Year 3

Adam Funk

Ph.D. Student

Jonathon Jacobs

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Jonathon Jacobs

My (Jasmine) Nguyen

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of My (Jasmine) Nguyen

Year 2

Rami Hawila

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Rami Hawila

Li Liu

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Li Liu

Scott Silvey

Ph.D. Student

Darya Shokouhi Niaki

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Darya Shokouhi Niaki

Year 1

Md. Moinul Ahsan

Ph.D. Student

Alexandra Gerveni

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Alexandra Gerveni

Leean Jo

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Leann Jo

Beomchang Kim

Ph.D. Student

Samuel Soon

Ph.D. Student

Headshot of Samuel Soon


Stephen Miller, M.D.

M.S. Student

Headshot of Stephen Miller

Tahereh Nabizadeh

M.S. Student

Circular form of head and shoulders inside a grey circle


InKoo Lee, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Fellow